blogging for your business

Should Construction Companies Have a Blog? Here’s Why I Took the Plunge and Started Blogging

Blogging has come a long way since its inception in the mid-90’s. Once resembling online journals, blogs have become powerful marketing tools across various professional industries. 

Today, blogging is an invaluable asset for promoting your business. Although it might not be the first marketing strategy that comes to mind, the benefits of blogging for your construction business provide compelling reasons to add this tool to your website. 

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a man uses a tablet on the job site, showing the advantages of embracing technology in construction

Is the Construction Industry Ready to Embrace Technology?

In the construction industry, our tools are crucial for getting the job done. While technology was once considered unnecessary, some companies now recognize it as an invaluable tool. But, there’s still a considerable way to go as the construction industry remains hesitant to fully adopt technology.  

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An argument breaks out from the conflict of back charging in construction

Learn How Back Charging Other Trades is Hurting Your Construction Business

Large-scale construction projects are complex endeavors. They require extensive planning and coordination to turn a set of plans into a physical structure. Just like a symphony, everyone must synchronize their efforts to achieve success. 

We’ve all heard of construction projects that have gone awry, with delays stretching for months or even years and budgets spiraling out of control. Take, for instance, the Denver International Airport, which exceeded its budget by $3 billion.1 This is an extreme example, but it’s not uncommon for projects to encounter inefficiencies and budget overruns, leaving them seemingly never-ending. 

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How Strong Business Values Lead to Financial Success in the Construction Industry

What defines success in the construction industry? While many businesses measure success primarily through financial metrics, at PDI Drywall, we believe true success is rooted in building and maintaining strong business values. 

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FIre Mitigation, including fire exits, is crucial in multi-family buildings

The Role of Drywall in Fire Mitigation and Why Hiring an Expert Matters

Imagine you’re on the top floor of an apartment building when a fire breaks out in a unit down the hall. Scary stuff, right? Unlike in a single-family home, you can’t just dash to the front door or climb out a window to escape. You need to navigate several flights of stairs to reach safety. Time is of the essence. 

That’s why proper fire mitigation is so important in multifamily buildings. And here at PDI Drywall, it’s a commitment we take seriously. 

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Hector Montiel embodies our strong company culture at PDI

A Close-Up on Hector Montiel, PDI Vice President

At PDI Drywall, our business philosophy sets us apart. Positivity, communication, and respect form the foundation of our company culture. Committed to excellence, we don’t just meet project timelines— we consistently exceed them. 

What exactly is our secret? How do we finish jobs faster and under budget while maintaining a positive company culture? 

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employees work together, displaying a positive company culture in the construction industry

Crafting Your Best Company Culture: How to Attract and Keep Top Construction Talent

In the world of construction, the value of holding onto skilled employees has always been clear. Keeping your team intact will pave the way for more efficient job sites and better results. But in today’s construction landscape, marked by a shortage of skilled labor, the importance of employee retention has surged to a whole new level.

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A woman confidently operating a miter saw on a construction site, illustrating why women should work in construction

10 Reasons Why Women Should Work in Construction

Can women work in construction? 

In short, the answer is yes. Construction offers the opportunity to join an in-demand industry where you can steadily advance and thrive. Surprisingly, women make up only a small fraction of the construction workforce. Once you discover the benefits for women in construction, you’ll wonder why more aren’t taking advantage of the opportunities it provides. 

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A woman leads a job site, displaying gender diversity in construction

Empowering Women in Construction for a More Inclusive Industry 

Most people view construction as “men’s work.” With women holding only 11% of the construction jobs in the United States, it’s clearly a male-dominated field.1 But, it’s time to challenge this point of view and recognize the benefits of including more women in the industry. Empowering women in construction isn’t just about filling quotas— it’s about unlocking the industry’s true potential. 

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